
Interpreter Training

In an increasingly diverse society, Community Interpreters perform a vital service in towns and cities with large numbers of ethnic minorities speaking many different languages. Community Interpreters enable individuals with little or no English to access public services in a variety of situations: health and social care, housing, legal etc.

Being bi-lingual does not mean you can be an interpreter. As well as being very fluent in both languages, Community Interpreters must be knowledgeable about the public services they work in and the specialised vocabulary used within each one. They must also be sensitive to the cultural misunderstandings that may arise from time to time in an interview. Above all, interpreters are expected to learn about and adhere to a strict Code of Conduct.

Our Courses

As an accredited training and exam centre, Everyday Language Solutions offers courses as detailed below.

Public Service Interpreting and Linguistics

Everyday Language Solutions offers a nationally accredited course to qualify bi-lingual individuals as Community Interpreters.

Set at Level 4 (equivalent to BTEC Professional diplomas, certificates and awards), our Public Service Interpreting and Linguistics (PSIL) course will prepare and qualify you for the demanding but exciting job of Community Interpreter.

You will learn about ethics, procedures and protocols, including safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. You will build an extensive glossary of specialised medical and legal vocabulary. With the help of guest speakers and a field trip, you will gain an insight into the public services where interpreters are used.

You will hone the interpreting and linguistic skills necessary to deliver a first class service and your qualification will serve as a stepping-stone toward the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting that you will find information on overleaf.

Our training course is very popular due to it being provided free of charge to all students who pass our entry test that assesses their bi-lingual skills.

For dates and other information, please click here to contact us.

Diploma in Public Service Interpreting

Set at Level 6, this is a first-degree qualification that enables linguists to work in Court as well as for the Police and Immigration.

The Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI) is an Ofqual-accredited, professional qualification that is nationally recognised by government departments, agencies, business organisations, universities and schools.

Our Award Winning* preparatory course will equip you to face the very tough exam and go on to work in one of the most demanding environments for an interpreter. As well as practising translation (written and sight translation) and specific interpreting techniques (consecutive and simultaneous)  you will build up an extensive specialised legal glossary.

You will learn about the Criminal Justice System and the agencies that are involved in it: Police, Courts and Probation. You will also study Civil Law and the many different aspects of everyday life that are by it (family law, tort, contract law etc.)

You will also gain an insight into the Immigration process and the vital role interpreters play in this setting.

For dates and other information, please click here to contact us.

Everyday Language Solutions is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Linguists as a training and exam centre for the DPSI.

If you would like any more information on the above courses, please dont hestitate to get in touch.

* In 2011, our first DPSI class was awarded the Nuffield Trophy by the Chartered Institute of Linguists for the best DPSI exam result in the UK.